SaaS Chef Table for the Product Requirement Documents (PRDs)

2 min readAug 22, 2023


Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we’re diving deep into the world of software, business strategy, and the backbone of every successful SaaS product — Product Requirement Documents, or PRDs!

If DA(vinci)LL·E would need to sketch PRD..

We’re talking about PRDs! Those mystical documents that somehow manage to turn brilliant ideas into tangible, functional software. Now, to understand how we got here, we need to hop on a time machine, folks. Buckle up!


It all started back when computers were room-sized and punch cards were the name of the game! Fast forward to today, where software rules the world. But how do we bridge the gap between brilliant concepts and functional code? That’s where the PRD comes in!

IBM100 — The IBM Punched Card

So, let’s talk about how to write a PRD! It’s like crafting the blueprint for a skyscraper, but instead of steel and glass, we’re talking about user flows and API integrations. Think of the PRD as a dramatic plot — there’s an introduction that sets the scene, a problem that needs solving, and a solution that saves the day. But hold on, we can’t just release software without checking it’s launch-ready. And let’s not forget about the impact — the fireworks that follow!

Ah, templates — like using a recipe to bake a cake, these templates give us a structure to follow. We’ve got templates for PRDs that would make Shakespeare proud, with chapters more thrilling than a Netflix series!

Few public examples:


Google docs.:


Product Hunt

Seat Geek

Amazon ft. Product School


“Why are PRDs so important?” Great question! They keep everyone on the same page, ensuring that developers, designers, and stakeholders are speaking the same language. But let’s not stop there!

PRDs are like the golden thread woven into the fabric of strategic product development. They guide us through the maze of ideas, transforming them into products that revolutionize industries.

Ladies and gentlemen, tonight, we’ve learned that PRDs are more than just documents — they’re the magic that turns dreams into code! So next time you’re using that amazing SaaS product, just remember: there’s a PRD behind it, setting the stage for greatness!

