Life Nuggets: everybody’s free…

3 min readJan 28, 2024


Life is like a weird, confusing sitcom with plot twists, heartaches, and the occasional laugh track. Recently, I got some nuggets of wisdom from a friend well into 60s…

No More Bargaining — Because Broccoli Doesn’t Negotiate

Forget haggling with the grocories vendor; a few extra cents won’t bankrupt you. Think of it as an investment in someone’s education, not an excuse for cheaper tomatoes. The broccoli may not appreciate it, but the universe probably does.

Peace Over Grammar — Because Commas Can Be Overrated

Correcting people’s grammar is so last season. My friend chose peace over being a linguistic superhero. Commas, periods — who cares? It’s not a novel; it’s a text message.

Creased Shirts — Wrinkles Are the New Black

Worrying about a creased shirt is so 2000-and-late. Personality trumps perfection; wrinkles add character. It’s not fashion; it’s a rebellion against ironing.

Compliments Galore — Like Oprah, But with Less Giveaways

Spread compliments like Oprah spreads joy — generously. They’re not just for the recipient; they’re a mood booster for you. Remember, a compliment rejected is like a gift returned; just say “Thank You” and bask in the glory.

Cool in the Rat Race — Because You’re a Sloth, Not a Rat

Keep your cool in the rat race; after all, you’re not a rat, you’re more of a sloth. Racing? Nah, I’m just here for the snacks and occasional naps. Zoom past me; I’m in chill mode.

Embrace Your Emotions — You’re Not a Robot, Probably

If robots had feelings, they’d envy your emotional roller coaster. Embrace it; it’s what makes you human. Cry during movies, laugh during meetings — who cares? You’re the Spielberg of your emotions.

Ego Drop — It’s Not a Mic, It’s Your Ego

Dropping your ego is the ultimate power move. It’s not about being right; it’s about preserving relationships. Break up with your ego; you won’t be lonely — trust me.

Seize the Day — Like a Pirate with a Map

Live each day like it’s the last, or at least like you’ve found a treasure map. Carpe Diem, but with a bit more adventure. Who knows, today might be the day you find the coffee shop with the perfect croissants.

Happiness Choices — Not an Ice Cream Flavor, But Close

Happiness is a choice, not a flavor of ice cream (though that would be amazing). Choose happiness every day; it’s your own private comedy show. Why wait for retirement to be the star?

Not Atlas — More Like a Confused Tourist

Turns out, my friend’s atlas isn’t the world; it’s more like a roadmap to the nearest ice cream shop. The realization that the world isn’t on his shoulders is liberating. Sorry, universe, we’re on a detour today.

Self-Love — It’s Not Just for Millennials

After showering everyone else with affection, my friend’s big reveal was embracing self-love. Not the hashtag #SelfLoveSunday kind, but the genuine acknowledgment that, hey, I deserve some love too. Move over, self-sacrifice; it’s time for some self-appreciation.

In conclusion, life’s lessons are like a sitcom script filled with humor, heart, and unexpected plot twists. Embrace these nuggets, and who knows, your life might just win an Emmy.




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