Lead Generation Using AI Agents in Product Development for B2B

5 min read4 days ago


Today, we’re tackling the world of lead generation, but not just any kind — no, we’re talking about AI agents and AI vertical agents (which, if you’re wondering, is just a fancy way of saying specialized AI for specific industries). And, in the words of Alex Hormozi from those images you’ve shared, generating leads isn’t just about numbers; it’s about surviving in a business world that’s one good lead away from making or breaking your entire year. So let’s get into it, shall we?

Why Lead Generation is So Painful

First off, let’s address the real problem: getting leads is hard, soul-sucking work. In the B2B world, you’re not just trying to grab someone’s attention for a split second and make a sale. Oh no, you’re wooing them. You’re nurturing that lead, showing them that your product can solve their very specific, very niche, and very expensive problem. It’s a courtship that can take months — sometimes years. That’s where AI comes in, ideally to save you from months of painstaking rejection emails.

But does AI solve everything? Well, not quite. Here’s the thing: you’ve got AI tools that claim to do everything — analyze, engage, score leads, and even make you breakfast if you believe the hype. Yet, the truth is, most AI tools are about as effective as those bizarre dating apps that claim to “understand your heart”. They don’t. You need something more specialized.

AI Vertical Agents: Your Personal Assistant, But Actually Useful

Now, here’s where vertical AI agents come in — AI that isn’t just generic, but specifically trained for your industry. Let’s say you’re a product manager in the B2B SaaS world. You don’t need an AI that knows everything from paper towels to rocket science; you need an AI that knows how to hunt down decision-makers in enterprise software companies and understands that “solution architect” isn’t just a weird job title, but an important gatekeeper to closing a deal.

Here’s How to Nail Lead Gen with AI

1. Free Stuff Is Still a Thing

In B2B, people love free trials — but not if they’re too hard to use. Alex Hormozi nailed it when he said, “If your free stuff is too expensive in time or effort, it’s not free — it’s costly.” So, before deploying your AI tool to fling offers around like Oprah handing out cars, make sure you’re not making people jump through 16 onboarding hoops just to get started

• Quick Onboarding: Use AI agents to deliver instant value to leads — no complex onboarding, no seven-day waiting period, just quick results.

• Lead Scoring: AI should filter out the tire kickers. If they don’t fit your ideal customer profile (ICP), move on quickly and let the AI weed them out.

2. Follow Hormozi’s Pricing Rule, but Add Some AI Magic

Hormozi says, “Raise your prices every five customers.”

Good advice, but here’s the kicker: AI can help you find that sweet pricing spot faster. You’ve got AI pricing models that analyze historical data, competitor pricing, and user behavior to help you price like the Gordon Ramsay of B2B — where you add value, people pay, and no one’s calling you an idiot sandwich.

AI-Driven Pricing Tests: Test different pricing tiers automatically using AI models. The trick is to create micro-segments of leads and tailor your pricing to each group. Do some love the freemium model? Good. Others willing to pay $1,000 per month? Great! Let the AI figure that out for you.

3. Use AI Agents to Handle the Volume — It’s All About Volume

Hormozi’s golden rule of lead generation: volume is key. AI excels here. You can train vertical AI agents to scrape the internet, collect contact data, and generate more leads than your entire sales team could in a month. But, and this is key — don’t forget to optimize for quality. Your AI agent needs to understand your ideal customer profile and prioritize accordingly.

• Outbound AI: Set up AI tools to automatically reach out to leads, and follow up based on engagement. No more manual labor. AI doesn’t get tired or bored — it’s like a sales rep on an eternal caffeine high.

• Lead Qualification: Let your AI qualify leads based on behavior, interaction, and purchase intent. By the time your human sales team takes over, it’s warm leads only.

The Future of B2B Lead Generation with AI Agents

Let’s be honest — AI isn’t going anywhere, and its role in B2B lead generation is only getting bigger. From automating outreach to dynamically adjusting pricing, AI agents can streamline many of the painful, repetitive tasks that product managers and sales teams face.

But here’s the kicker: It’s not just about technology. It’s about how you integrate AI into your strategy. No tool will magically fix a broken sales funnel or a poorly defined ICP. You still need to set your AI up for success by feeding it the right data and ensuring it aligns with your overall strategy.

As Alex Hormozi says, “If you struggle to give your stuff away for free, it means either people don’t want it, they don’t believe you, or the hidden costs are too high.”

The same goes for AI in sales — make sure it’s simple, targeted, and directly addressing your market’s needs.

Key Takeaways for Product Managers:

  • Quick Value Delivery: AI can help deliver fast, frictionless onboarding experiences for leads.
  • Dynamic Pricing: AI-driven pricing models can help you optimize pricing strategies as you scale.
  • Lead Volume and Quality: AI handles both volume and qualification, but it’s crucial to ensure your ICP is well defined.
  • Quick Value Delivery: AI can help deliver fast, frictionless onboarding experiences for leads.

In conclusion, AI vertical agents are the future of lead generation in B2B. If used effectively, they’ll handle your lead acquisition, qualification, and even help you nail down your pricing. But remember: AI is just a tool — what you do with it is what truly makes the difference.

Further Reading

• Blank, S. (2013). The Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Products That Win. K&S Ranch.

• Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y., and Courville, A. (2016). Deep Learning. MIT Press.

• Hormozi, A. (2023). $100M Leads: How to Get Strangers to Want to Buy Your Stuff. Acquisition.com.

• Manning, C. D., and Schütze, H. (1999). Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing. MIT Press.

• Ries, E. (2011). The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses. Crown Business.

• Szeliski, R. (2010). Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications. Springer.

